Seven Basic Chakras
There are 7 basic Chakras in our bodys'.Each has a location, a function, an influence, color and many other things.They are the seven centers of energy in the human body.We are starting at the top instead of the bottom.....
crown of the head...function,liberation...endrocine influence,pineal gland...color,purple...symbol,lotus...sound,om...element,none...dominant sense,none...planetary influence,none...emotion,bliss...related illness,psychosis brow center...location,middle of the forehead...function,para-normal powers...endrocine influence,pitultary gland...color,indigo...symbol,6 pointed star...sound,ah...element,none...dominant sense,none...planetary influence,sun & moon...emotion,obsession ecstasy...related illness,schizophrenia, kidneys
throat center...location,middle of the throat...funtion,creativity & self-expression...endrocine influence,thyroid gland...color,sky blue...symbol,chalice...sound,ha...element,ether...dominant sense,hearing...planetary influence,mercury...emotion,inspiration, repression...related illness,thyroid, flu
heart center...location,center of the chest...function,compassion...endrocine influence,thymus gland...color,yellow gold...symbol,cross...sound,ym...element,air...dominant sense,touch...planetary influence,venus...emotion,joy,grief...related illness,stroke,angina,arthritis
solar plexus...location,just above navel...function,power...endrocine influence,adrenal gland...color,kelly green...symbol,circle...sound,ra...element,fire...dominant sense,sight...planetary influence,mars...emotion,power,desire,fear,guilt,doubt...related illness,ulcers,gallstones
spleen center...location,half way between pubis &navel...function,health...endrocine influence,liver,pancreas,spleen...color,pink...symbol,pyramid with capstone off...sound,ba...element,water...dominant sense,taste...planetary influence,jupiter...emotion,anxiety,well being...related illness,diabetes,cancer
base center...location,base of the spine...function,sex...endrocine influence,ovaries,gonads...color,red-orange...symbol,square...sound,la...element,earth...dominant sense,smell...planetary influence,saturn...emotion,frustration,rage,passion...related illness,hemorrhoids,sciatica,prostate,ovarian,uterine
The chakras symbolize the different stages we are to go thru to attain the ultimate. We start at the base center and work up. The ultimate is the crown center, which is almost impossible to attain.In meditation we focus on the base center, bring a bright light up thru each chakra to the crown center and back taking deep breaths thru your nose and letting go thru our mouth slowly. Only focusing on the light and the chakras.If there is a blockage you will feel it. This is why you need to understand chakra meditation before you start. It's a wonderful way to cleanse your body of blockages.
If one of your chakras is blocked you will feel a strange sensation, or different feelings, just relax and either stop or continue on by focusing on just that chakra to find out what the problem is. It can be worked out(healed).This is why people feel out of balance. One or more of there chakras are usually blocked. When you do the meditation you need to be in a quiet place and peaceful. Sitting with your feet on the ground and the palms of your hands facing up. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths before you start so you can relax. Then visualize a bright light and follow the above.