India marks the 76th Martyrs' Day on Tuesday, January 30. This day is also observed as Mahatma Gandhi’s death anniversary. Gandhi, world-renowned for leading the freedom movement in India, was shot dead on January 30, 1948, by Nathuram Godse. He was on his way to address a prayer meeting at Birla Bhawan in Delhi when the fateful incident occurred. Gandhi, also known as the “Father of the Nation” led India’s freedom movement. He was known for his peaceful and non-violent methods to fight against the British rule.
History and significance of Martyrs' Day:
Martyrs' Day, also known as Shaheed Diwas, is observed in India on January 30 annually. The day is dedicated to pay homage to the courageous soldiers who sacrificed their lives for their motherland. It also marks the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi in 1948. In 1949, Godse, a Hindu nationalist, was sentenced to death.
A significant ritual of Martyrs' Day also involves observing a two-minute silence to remember and reflect on the supreme sacrifice made by martyrs and to express gratitude for their contributions.
Educational institutions, government offices, and various organisations organise special programs to show their respect to martyrs. Cultural events, speeches, and essay competitions are often held to instil a sense of patriotism and respect for the country's history.
Martyrs' Day is not just a national holiday, but it is a day which gives us an opportunity to remember the sacrifices made and take inspiration from them. This day inspires us to think that we have not received this gift of freedom just like that, countless heroes have sacrificed their all for it. This is an opportunity for us to think about what duty we can perform towards our country and what we can do to fulfill the dreams of the martyrs.
Educational institutions, government offices, and various organizations organize special programs to show their respect to martyrs. Cultural events, speeches, and essay competitions are often held to instill a sense of patriotism and respect for the country's history.