The Law of Detachment
The sixth spiritual law of success is the Law of Detachment, which reveals a great paradox of life. In order to acquire something in this world, you have to relinquish your attachment to it. This doesn’t mean you give up the intention to fulfill your desire—you simply give up your attachment to the outcome.
Attachment is based on fear and insecurity. When you forget that the only genuine source of security is your true self, you begin believing that you need something outside yourself in order to be happy. You may believe that a certain amount of money in the bank, paying off the mortgage on your house, obtaining a luxury car, losing ten pounds, or purchasing a new outfit may result in greater feelings of security within yourself. Unfortunately,whenever your happiness is based upon something other than your true Self, insecurity arises because you know at a deep level of your being that whatever is bringing you happiness can be lost and therefore has the potential to bring you pain.
According to the principles of yoga, the only true security comes from your willingness to embrace the unknown, the realm of uncertainty. By relinquishing your attachment to the known, you step into the field of
pure potentiality in which the wisdom of uncertainty is factored into all your choices. Practicing detachment and embracing uncertainty, you relinquish your need to hold on to the past, which is the only thing that is known. Being open to what is happening rather than trying to control how things unfold, you experience the excitement, adventure, exhilaration, and mystery of life.
Applied to your practice of yoga, the Law of Detachment encourages you to relinquish your attachment to an idealized pose. Rather than seeking only to achieve the perfect posture, have the intention for your practice to awaken deeper and more expanded levels of awareness within you. By relinquishing your attachment to an idealized form and allowing your awareness to embrace the essence of yoga, your body will naturally release its resistance, increase its flexibility, and will improve as a side benefit for your detachment.
Yoga is not a competitive sport, and you will not achieve integration of body, mind, and spirit through force and effort. Rather, yoga is a system of mindful surrender.The practice of yoga accomplishes its goal of union through attention and intention—through the conscious release of conflict and struggle. This is the essence of the Law of Detachment. Have your intentions clearly in your awareness while you maintain an attitude of Thy will be done. The coexistence of these apparently contradictory forces—intention and detachment—cultivates the flexibility that enables you to fulfill all your goals in life.
Put the Law of Detachment into effect in your yoga practice and in your life by making a commitment to the following three steps:
1. Practice detachment. The goal of yoga is flexibility, for which detachment is an essential feature. Detachment and flexibility go hand in hand. Attachment breeds rigidity. Commit not to rigidly impose your ideas of how things should be. Allow yourself and those around you the freedom to be natural. Notice that when you force solutions on problems,you often create new problems that did not previously exist. Remind yourself to engage in everything with detached involvement.
2. Embrace uncertainty as an essential ingredient of your experience and watch how creative solutions to problems spontaneously emerge out of chaos.Cultivate an attitude of curiosity and innocence as you live your life and notice how a deep inner security develops within you, independent of things around you.
3. Surrender to the field of pure potentiality. Combine your focused intention with detachment from the outcome and observe how easily you are able to fulfill your desires while maintaining your center,even in the midst of confusion and turbulence Introduce the mantra that resonates with the Law of Detachment to remind you to relinquish your need to control, thereby allowing creative solutions to emerge from the wisdom of uncertainty.Om Anandham Namah