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Rig veda HYMN VIII  Indra

This is about Rig Veda HYMN VIII Indra

Rig veda HYMN VIII Indra

1  INDRA, bring wealth that gives delight, the victor's ever-conquering wealth, Most excellent, to be our aid;

2  By means of which we may repel our foes in battle hand to hand, By thee assisted with the car.

3  Aided by thee, the thunder-armed, Indra, may we lift up the bolt, And conquer all our foes in fight.

4  With thee, O India, for ally with missile-darting heroes, may We conquer our embattled foes.

5  Mighty is Indra, yea supreme; greatness be his, the Thunderer: Wide as the heaven extends his power

6  Which aideth those to win them sons, who come as heroes to the fight, Or singers loving holy thoughts.

7  His belly, drinking deepest draughts of Soma, like an ocean swells, Like wide streams from the cope of heaven.

8  So also is his excellence, great, vigorous, rich in cattle, like A ripe branch to the worshipper.

9  For verily thy mighty powers, Indra, are saving helps at once Unto a worshipper like me.

10  So are his lovely gifts; let lauds and praises be to Indra sung, That he may drink the Soma juice.

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