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Origin and development of spiritual and material creation

According to purans by donating water, for eg if anybody fights for the mother land is been eliminated to Svarga loka - Life span is only 42,000 Earth years, person is send back on planet earth once again.

These spiritual planets are termed as Madhurya Dhama. (The Beginning, The root cause of every creation)

Goloka Dhama - There are 3 divisions in Goloka dhama Vrindavan, Mathura & Dwarka - Supreme resides in 3 different forms depending on the desire of a devotee they are send on any of these planets, If someone worships him as a Dwarika Dish/King he is been send to Dwarka, if someone worships him as a Child, Gopal, Makhanchor he/she goes to Goloka dhama & gets a form accordingly.

Ayodhya Dhama - Devotees of Sita Ram resides here at Ayodha dhama.

These spiritual planets are termed as Aisvarya Dhama.

Vainkutha Loka - On this planet there are trillions of other planets with different Vishnu Tattvas. Narshima, Varaha, Vamana, Matsya, Kurma, all his incarnations - If someone is a Devotee of Narshimadeva goes to a particular planet, devotee of Vishnu goes to a particular planet & so on.

Kailasa - Sada Siva (On Bhurloka/planet Earth we got Mountain Kailasha/Mount Everest where Bhagwan Shiv Resides. Bhagwan Shiv on Planet Earth is one form & the original Form is Sada Siva, Shiv gunas, Devotees of Bhagwan Shiv Resides here)

Brahamjyoti - Krishna Effulgence The planet for the Yogics (Brahmananda - The all pervading impersonal bliss). According to the purans the Brahmajyoti is the reflection of Sri Hari's Toe nail whose kanti/light is more than trillions of Sun but pleasant than the moon light where the yogi meditates & later resides forever.

All these above planets are to be consider where the soul is been liberated, attain Moksha or Mukti.



Karanodakasayi Maha vishnu - Unlimited universe emanates from the pores of his skin.


Refrence - Verse 1 to 26

There are 14 lokas within our Universe (Little Description about these planets is been provided according to different purans)

First 7 heavenly planets within this Universe. (Higher planets - Subtle)

*Satyaloka/Brahmaloka :- Top most planet where life span is 311.04 trillion years, planet of Sri Brahmaji - to reach here a person need not do any sin Via Mind, speech & physically for 100 Births.

*Tapaloka : Planet for the Yogics, who are not bound with any sorts of Karmas & spends time in Tapasya for billions of years - to reach here a person need not do any karmas but only Austerities/tapasya.

*Janaloka : Seven sages - The Seven Stars that we see in the Sky as a Question mark sign which belongs to our Beloved ansestors our GOTRA/DNA/GREAT GREAT GREAT GRAND FATHERS named Brigu, Angirasa, Aathri, Vishwamitra, Vashisht, Kashyapa & Agasthya rishis the Sons of Sri Brahmaji.

*Maharloka:- This planet belongs to the Maharishi who got knowledge about Scriptures & even they perform a lot of Asuterities/tapa.

*Svargaloka: Indraloka - Heavenly planets where the 33 million Demigods & demons resides - It is very simple to reach this planet.

According to purans by donating water, for eg if anybody fights for the mother land is been eliminated to Svarga loka - Life span is only 42,000 Earth years, person is send back on planet earth once again.

Bhuvarloka: Planet of Raksasas & Ghost - The planet is higher than bhurloka/earth so it comes under the heavenly planet & these personalities often travel on our planet Earth.

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