Introduction to Yoga (What is Yoga?)
What is Yoga?
The word yoga literally means “to yoke” or “union”. More than just a practice of physical exercises,
Yoga is the coming together of the individual self or consciousness, with the infinite universal
consciousness or spirit. Yoga is a method of inquiry in to the nature of the mind, which emphasizes
practice and direct experience.
The “Goal” of Yoga:
The “goal” of yoga is to align to the universal consciousness in order to experience joy, freedom and the
stillness of full consciousness. Alignment, is related to mind and body, and refers to how various parts
of us are integrated and interconnected. The world is what think and believe it to be. It is subjective
in essence - a projection of what we feel it is, based on past experiences and conditionings. What we see
in others is what we have inside, like a mirror that is only projecting what is inside. We have the
potential, using conscious intentions, thoughts and words, to co-create the life we want, to go beyond
our limitations and fears, to surrender and open, to choose the type of person we want to be, to flow
with the divine grace, to see the beauty in and all around us.
Our Spiritual Identity:
The practice of yoga is based on the idea that we are eternal spiritual souls or atman, traveling within
the vessel of this physical/emotional body. The physical body is considered the temple of the soul, an
instrument through which we can access the internal divinity, our true self, and to align, connect and
serve the divine wisdom.
As manifestations of the supreme divine consciousness in the material universe, we have the
opportunity to awaken to our true nature of sat chit ananda – being consciousness bliss, through
the main practices of asana, pranayama, meditation, and chanting. Yoga asana, the
physical postures or exercises that have come to be known as Yoga are really only the most superficial
aspect of this profound science.
Yoga Philosophy: the 4 Paths
There are various paths of yoga that lead towards the ultimate goal of union, each a
specialized branch of a comprehensive system, the main four being Karma Yoga, Bhakti
Yoga, Raja Yoga and Jnana Yoga. Each, with their own world of techniques, supports people
with different temperaments and approaches to life. All of the paths lead ultimately to the
same destination - to union with Brahman/ God/ Oneness/ the Universe…- and the lessons
from each need to be integrated if true wisdom is to be attained. For our sadhana, or
spiritual practice, it is often suggested that we practice a balanced integral yoga, incorporating
practices from all 4 paths.
- Raja Yoga – Path of Self - Discipline
The "royal" or highest path of yoga, formalized by the sage Patanjali, is
a comprehensive method for controlling the waves of thought by turning
our mental and physical energy into spiritual energy. The chief practice is
self-discipline, including Patanjali’s Ashtanga Yoga & Meditation.
Bhakti Yoga – Path of Self-Surrender
The path of devotion is one in which we offer and surrender to the divine
through a devotion in which one sees the divinity in every creature and all
things. Mantra meditation is one form of Bhakti.
- Jnana yoga – Path of Self-Awareness
The path of wisdom applies discriminative intelligence for spiritual
liberation – reflecting and developing awareness of one’s own sense of
Being. The chief practice of Jnana Yoga is meditation & Self - Inquiry –
Atma Vicharya – inquiry into the source of the “I” thought - “So Hum”:
Who am I? / I am that.
Karma Yoga – The Path of Selfless Action
Karma is the universal law of cause and effect. All actions have
consequences. Karma Yoga is the knowledge that deals with how to
come into harmony with these forces, by being in full awareness with actions while letting go of the outcome or results. Seva is a practice of
karma yoga, selfless service to others as part of one’s larger Self
without thought of gain or reward, as it is an act of sublimating ego through having no attachments to the fruits of your actions, offering
them up to the divine. Balancing the 3 Gunas, through mindful
efforts, helps up to live in the bliss of the present moment, navigating through the endless obstacles that arise from the pull of karma.