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Herbal  Alternative  Remedies

An herb is a plant or plant part used for its scent, flavor, or therapeutic properties. Herbal medicines are one type of dietary supplement. They are sold as tablets, capsules, powders, teas, extracts, and fresh or dried plants. People use herbal medicines to try to maintain or improve their health.

Herbal  Alternative  Remedies 

Nature provides many cures and treatments for ailments of all kinds. Each region has its own native plants that are used in alternative medicine.  

When buying herbs for medicinal purposes, it is suggested that you use herbs from an herbal shop.  Herb strength varies depending on the way in which they are grown, so until you are familiar with growing techniques for medicinal herbs, purchasing from a professional is recommended. 


The following list provides herbal cures to common ailments: 

* Acne and skin blemishes. 

Wash your face and rub a clove of garlic that has been cut in half. Or, mix lavender with witch hazel at a 1:10 ratio. Tea tree oil can be substituted in place of the lavender. 

* Anxiety and stress. 

Lavender pure essential oil soaked onto a cotton cloth, heated, and folded into a compress. Apply to head or neck.

 * Bruises and contusions.

 Boil hyssop flowers and leaves into a tincture. Filter liquid, and soak a cotton compress.  Apply to bruised area by applying pressure. The hyssop, heat and pressure combination will reduce the bruise. 

* Burns. 

Minor burns can be treated with comfrey or aloe juice.  Simply rub aloe juice into burned area.  Comfrey can be crushed into a fine powder, mixed with equal parts of melted beeswax, and added to vegetable oil. Simmer over low heat for 20 minutes, and then strain mixture. 

* Warts. 

Either use a cut piece of garlic, placed directly on the wart or, for a less odorous cure, try dandelion juice applied repeatedly throughout the day. 

Herbal Teas 

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