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De-addiction center near me

What is Addiction ? Addiction is a psychiatric disorder in which

1. Person has an irresistible desire to consume a particular drug

2. Has difficulty in controlling the drug intake behaviour

3. Suffers from withdrawal symptoms if the drug use decreased or terminated

4. Has to use more and more amount of drug in order to experience the same effect

5. Keeps on continuing the deig use despite knowing the fact that it is harmful for him/ her

6. Neglects other pleasurable activities in order to indulge in drug consuming behavior

But good news is that addiction is a curable disorder. If you are suffering from any type of addiction eg: alcohol, heroine, smack, cannabis etc, you can contact the best de- addiction center in kangra.

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Here we come up with a choice for you to choose between these two type of accounts : Personal(non business) Account and Business Account. Each account has its own features, read and compare for better understanding. This will help you in choosing what kind of account you need to register with us.

Personal / Non Business Account

In this account type you can do any thing as individual
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Commercial / Business Account

In this account type you can promote your business with all posibilies
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