The great monument at Gangaikondacholapuram,
the second Brihadisvara Gangaikondacholesvara temple
(pi. VI), rears its head nobly and bespeaks the imperial
dignity of the capital that Rajendra (1012-44), the son
ofRajaraja, established after his victorious march to east
India up to the river Ganga. The capital itself has dis┬м
appeared: even the palace where the emperor dwelt
does not exist except in ruins marked by brick debris
about T5 km away from the temple, at a place known as
Ulkottai, where a mound even now called Maligaimedu,
тАШpalace-mound5, supplies bricks to the villages. In the
vicinity is another village with a large tank known as
Tottikulam excavated by the king. About 1.5 km to the
south of the temple is a third village, Vanadipattam,
тАШplace offireworksтАЩ, which is believed to be the place where
fireworks for the temple-festivals were prepared. Yet
another place, Meikavalputtur, 1*5 km to the east, is so
named as it was the place for the watchman ofthe temple.
A fifth village, 1*5 km beyond the last one, is called Tirthakulam, which had the teppakutam, the tank for floating
the barge in the festivals ofthe temple. About 3 km to the
west is the large water-reservoir known as Ponneri, now
all in ruins. In this or in the reservoir outside the gopura
ofthe temple, which is also dilapidated, must have been
poured the sacred waters ofthe Ganga, which Rajendra
caused to be brought from east India.
At the temple itself a ruined gopura greets the visitor: it is in the inner compound-wall of the temple,
the outer and larger wall, with its gopuras, having been
despoiled long ago. On entering through the gopura,
one sees, beyond the bali-pitha, a huge bull, which,
unlike its counterpart at Thanjavur, is not monolithic.
Two flights ofsteps, on the northern and southern sides,
as at Thanjavur, lead up to two dvara-palasтАФhuge mono┬м
liths that guard the first entrance to a long closed
The plinth of the entire mandapa up to the
ardha-mandapa and mukha-mandapa ofthe main temple is a
part of the original structure itself, though its wall
appears to have been renovated; the pillars and the
platform are later additions.
The ardha-mandapa of the temple is approached
by two flights of steps from the north and south.
Here the mukha-mandapa is guarded on either side by two
pairs of dvara-palas, and a third pair may be seen at the
entrance to the east leading on from the main mandapa
to the mukha-mandapa. Yet another pair of colossal
dvara-palas guards the entrance to the sanctum. In the
mukha-mandapa, the walls on the east, on either side,
are decorated with carvings representing Siva in different
aspects of anugraha (favour), such as Vishnvanugrahamurti (bestowing grace on Vishnu who worships him
with his lotus-eye), Ravananugraha-murti (blessing
Ravana who is penitent after having raised mount
Kailasa), Devyanugraha-murti (bestowing grace on
Devi who worships the lingo), Kalyanasundara-murti
(going forth for his marriage attended by his bhuta-ganas,
goblins, and the marriage itself with all the incidental
rejoicing and merry-making), Markandeyanugraha murti (blessing his devotee Markandeya by rescuing
him from Yama, the god of death, whom he overcame)
and Chandesanugraha-murti (blessing Chandesa, who
did not refrain from cutting offhis fatherтАЩs legs for having
interfered with his worship of Siva and bathed the
linga with the milk of cows in his care). To the north┬м
east is a beautiful large-sized panel, a masterpiece of
Chola art, which shows Siva bestowing his grace on
o *
The temple is 54*86 m high and in arrangement
follows its Thanjavur predecessor. But while the latter
is tall and stately, with its contour straight and severe,
suggestive ofstrength, the present one is shorter and its
contour more graceful and delicate and somewhat
feminine in its lack of angularity.
The sculptures in the temple are less numerous
than in the Thanjavur one but are of the same nature.
Here again we have representations ofprincely warriors,
with swords and shields. Lakshml and Sarasvatl are
shown seated in niches as at Thanjavur. In the northern
and southern niches of the central shrine are Bhikshatana-murti and Chandesanugraha-murti (pi. VII), the
former disfigured with a plaster-coat. In the southern
niches a figure, presumably that of Dakshinamurti,
is missing: the rest variously represent dancing Ganesa,
Ardhanarisvara beside the bull, Hari-Hara and Nataraja
(pi. VIII A) dancing along with Kali and Bhringi atten┬м
ded by ganas and Karaikkalammaiyar playing cymbals.
On the sides ofthe niche Vishnu plays the drum, Ganesa
and Karttikeya approach the scene on their vehicles, and
Devi, with her arm resting on the bull beside her, watches the dance. To the west is Siva as Gahgadhara appeasing
Devi who is forlorn and sullen on account of her lord
having received Ganga on his matted locks. On the sides
of the niches is narrated the story of BhagirathaтАЩs pen┬м
ance to bring Ganga down to the earth. Then there are
Lirigodbhava, Vishnu with his consorts and Karttikeya
or Indra and Siva as Uma-sahita. On the walls of the
niche with Uma-sahita, Vishnu is shown adoring him
by offering his eye as a flower. The northern niches
contain the figures of Kalantaka with the story of
Markandeya on the sides of the niche, eight-armed
Mahishamardim standing beside her Hon, Brahma with
a beard, accompanied by his consorts Savitri and Sarasvatl (pi. IX A), Bhairava with eight arms, Siva as Madanantaka burning Manmatha (pi. VIII B), one of his
hands in tarjani (threatening) attitude, Manmatha and
his consort Rati, the former first shooting with a bow and
then helpless, and other gods intervening on his behalf.
The lowest series of panels on the base of the temple
shows seated lions with one of the paws raised and rear┬м
ing in an attitude usually found in the Pallava temples
of the time of Rajasimha (690-715) and with analogues
at Prambanan in Indonesia.
The niches are arranged in the same fashion as at
Thanjavur: there is a large central niche flanked on each
side by two smaller ones, all projecting out of the main
wall, with a kumbha-panjara pattern between each pair of
niches. Noteworthy are the roof-forms on the respective
tiers, in the shape ofsaid, koshtha and kudu. In the eaves
of the lowest niches are bracket-figures of the ganas of
Siva and rearing lions. The principal niche on each side is devoted to one or the other ofthe gods ofthe TrinityтАФ
Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva: Siva Dakshina-murti on the
south, Vishnu with consorts on the west and Brahma
with consorts on the north. The bays of the niches at
every stage have rows ofyali as decoration, with makaraheads at the extreme ends from which warriors are issu┬м
ing. The niche-tops are decorated in a circular fashion
as in the Thanjavur temple.
The space on the temple-base below the jw/i-frieze
is covered with inscriptions, though not as completely as
at Thanjavur. In the niches, numerous iconographic
forms are repeated in a different order and with the ad┬м
dition of a few more, such as Varaha rescuing the Earth,
space for the representations being made available by
the utilization of the space for the kumbha-panjaras in
other niches in addition to the five main niches.
The shrine to the north of the main temple, dedi┬м
cated to Chandikesvara, contains a large fine carving
representing the steward of SivaтАЩs household. There are
two other shrines, respectively to its north and south,
contemporary with the main temple, on either side of
the main shrine. There is no deity in the southern shrine,
but in the shrine to the north is installed an image ofDevi
of a later date. That this shrine was also originally inten┬м
ded for Siva is indicated by the bull guarding the door.
feature to be noted here is that the bull is quite different
from those of Ghola workmanship and resembles those of
the earlier Chalukya period. The dvara-palas in the two
shrines and the images in the niches, wherever they are
extent, are contemporary with, but less carefully exe┬м
cuted than those in the main temple. To the south-west of the main temple is a small
temple with a large image of GaneSa, his trunk curling
round the sweets (modaka), as is usual in some early
Chola representations of the deity.
Beyond and to the north of the shrine of ChandikeSvara is another shrine, wherein is housed a fine early
image of MahishamardinL Further beyond is a large
representation of lion in plastered brickwork, through
the body of which runs a- flight of steps leading into
a large well, known as Simhakinar. The popular story
goes that the Chola king got water from the Ganga and
poured it into this well, so that there could be a perpetual
supply of it for the bath (abhisheka) of the deity.
Among the bronzes in the temple the following are
specially noteworthy: a large Somaskanda, BhogaSaktidevi, another Devi and Mahasena or Karttikeya as wargod carrying a vajras shield and cock (pi. IX B). The
significance of the remarkable figure of the war-god to
the ideal ofthe royal warrior Rajendra cannot be under┬м
The unique slab with the nine planets (navagraha)
(pi. X) in the large temple, hidden in total darkness, is
an eloquent testimony to the cosmopolitan spirit of
Rajendra, who, after his northern conquests, combined
northern and southern elements to produce this most
interesting group.
The most remarkable carving here, the Chandesanugraha-murti panel, is almost a suggestion ofthe laurels
won by Rajendra through the grace of Siva, and he
humbly presents himself as a devotee of the Lord, who
blessed Chandesa.