Ayurvedic Concept In ITP (Immune thrombocytopenic purpura)
Ayurvedic Concept In ITP (Immune thrombocytopenic purpura)
ITP is one of the exceptional autoimmune disorders that origins with the complaint of low platelet levels. Platelets are tiny blood cells that help to clots and stop bleeding in normal conditions. But in people with ITP, the body produces antibodies that attack and destroy the platelets. Antibodies are produced by cells of the immune system and are normally part of our system for fighting infection.
The two categories of ITP are:
Acute ITP – this is mostly a disease of childhood and accounts for nine out of 10 cases of ITP. It is far less common in adults, who are more likely to have chronic ITP. Sometimes a viral infection (such as a cold) seems to trigger the condition. The disease goes away by itself within two to six months
Chronic ITP – this ongoing form accounts for most ITP seen in adults and is far less common in children. Chronic ITP has similar symptoms to acute ITP, except that it lingers for longer than six months.
ITP can be correlated with Tiryaga Raktapitta on the basis os signs and symptoms as in this disease all the Dosas are vitiated and are circulating in the bloodstream and manifested subcutaneously. Raktapitta is a bleeding condition where the blood (Rakta) vitiated by Pitta flows out of the (openings) of the body.