
Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorder can affect you in many different ways. Many times person does not even know that he/ she is suffering from anxiety. Various symptoms of anxiety include: • Palpitations or pounding heart or accelerated heart rate. • Sweating. • Trembling or shaking. • Dry mouth • Difficulty breathing. • Increased urination • Feeling of choking. • Chest pain or discomfort. • Nausea • Headache • Body aches • Sleep disturbances • Sexual problems • Decreased appetite • Feeling dizzy, faint or light-headed. • Feelings that objects are unreal or that one's self is distant or "not really here" • Fear of losing control, going crazy, or passing out. • Fear of dying. Feel free to contact for these symptoms

Price: Starts from INR 499 Enquiry

Sexual Disorders

Finding the best sexologist in Dharamshala? If you facing any sexual problem in your life, then we have a proper and everlasting solution for you. We know in the life of every couple, sexaul activities plays a powerful role in the creation of good bonding and relationship between both partners. It is compulsory to maintain more romance in the life of human beings because we all know that it is an important source of physical and mental relaxation. But sometimes many people face some problems at the time of sexual night, which stops them to enjoy actual sexual moments properly. Feel free to contact for these symptoms

Price: Starts from INR 499 Enquiry

Drug deaddiction

What is Addiction ? Addiction is a psychiatric disorder in which 1. Person has an irresistible desire to consume a particular drug 2. Has difficulty in controlling the drug intake behaviour 3. Suffers from withdrawal symptoms if the drug use decreased or terminated 4. Has to use more and more amount of drug in order to experience the same effect 5. Keeps on continuing the deig use despite knowing the fact that it is harmful for him/ her 6. Neglects other pleasurable activities in order to indulge in drug consuming behavior But good news is that addiction is a curable disorder. If you are suffering from any type of addiction eg: alcohol, heroine, smack, cannabis etc, you can contact the best de-addiction center in kangra. Feel free to contact for these symptoms

Price: Starts from INR 499 Enquiry

Epilepsy Disorder

Epilepsy is a brain disorder that causes people to have recurring seizures. A seizure is a sudden burst of electrical activity in the brain.Seizures can cause a variety of symptoms, including loss of consciousness, muscle spasms, and strange sensations or behaviors. Feel free to contact for these symptoms

Price: Starts from INR 499 Enquiry

Sleep Disorder

Sleep disorders are conditions that disturb your normal sleep patterns.Some people who feel tired during the day have a true sleep disorder. But for others, the real problem is not allowing enough time for sleep. It's important to get enough sleep every night. The amount of sleep you need depends on several factors, including your age, lifestyle, health, and whether you have been getting enough sleep recently. Most adults need about 7-8 hours each night. What causes sleep disorders? .There are different causes for different sleep disorders, including: . Other conditions, such as heart disease, lung disease, nerve disorders, and pain . Mental illnesses, including depression and anxiety . Medicines . Genetics Feel free to contact for these symptoms

Price: Starts from INR 499 Enquiry

Bipolar Disorder

A person with bipolar disorder will experience changes in mood, energy, and activity levels that can make day-to-day living difficult. Bipolar disorder can cause severe disruption to a person’s life, but the impact varies between individuals. With appropriate treatment and support, many people with this condition live a full and useful life. Feel free to contact for these symptoms

Price: Starts from INR 499 Enquiry

Depression Disorder

Depression can manifest itself in various ways. Different symptoms of depression include: . Low mood . Irritable mood . Decreased body energy . Getting tired easily . Loss of interest in previously pleasurable activities . Decreased confidence . Sleep disturbance . Memory loss . Restlessness . Thoughts of harming yourself . Guilt about past activities .Decreased concentration . Decreased appetite . Ideas that person has become worthless . Hopelessness about self or future . Suicidal ideas Mental illness is ignored by people. Many people dont seek treatment for these treatable conditions and suffer in silenc. Feel free to contact for these symptoms

Price: Starts from INR 499 Enquiry

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VPO, Tang Narwana, Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh 176052

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