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Yo Yo Honey Singhs Wife Files Domestic Violence Case Against Him Accuses Of Sex With Multiple Women

Shalini Talwar, the wife of rapper and music composer Hirdesh Singh, popularly known as Yo Yo Honey Singh, filed a case of domestic violence against him at the Tis Hazari courts here on Tuesday.In her 118 page complaint Talwar has accused Honey Singh of engaging in extra marital sex with various women. She has also provided details of the physical verbal and emotional abuse that she had allegedly been subjected to by the rapper and his family.

Honey Singh his wife alleged in her complaint began having frequent casual sex with multiple women" when he was travelling and to further his sexual intents and illicit relationships never disclosed to the public . that he was married.Talwar alleged Honey Singh kept trying to conceal his proclivities from the time they got married at a Delhi gurudwara in 2011. She accused him of engaging in substance abuse and even having an affair with a Punjabi movie actress.Taking cognizance of the complaint Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Tania Singh issued a notice to Honey Singh to appear before her on August 28.The Chief Metropolitan Magistrate passed interim orders restraining the rapper from disposing of the property he jointly owned with his wife as well as her 'stridhan'.

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