Karnataka court directs police to register FIR against Kangana Ranaut for ‘anti-farmer’ tweet
Kangana ranaut hostile to rancher tweet, ranch bills 2020,
A Karnataka court Friday guided a nearby police headquarters to book entertainer Kangana Ranaut for her tweet on ranchers fighting the new agri-division laws.
The decision came after a private protest was recorded by advocate Ramesh Naik.
"My criminal body of evidence against famous Bollywood entertainer Kangana Ranaut the Hon'ble Tumkur (Karnataka) JMFC [Judicial Magistrate First Class] Court guided my jurisdictional police headquarters to enroll FIR. Equity to all ranchers of this incredible nation India (sic)," the supporter said in an announcement after the decision.
"Individuals who spread falsehood and gossipy tidbits about CAA that caused riots are similar individuals who are currently spreading deception about ranchers bill and causing fear in the country, they are psychological militants," Ranaut had tweeted on September 21.
Charging that the tweet added up to causing incitement, harmed, hostility among gatherings and purposeful affront, the backer had documented the grievance against the entertainer and the province of Karnataka in the Tumkur court on September 28