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Donald Trump Testing Positive for Coronavirus Has Only One Lesson: Wear a Mask

US President Donald Trump strolls with first woman Melania Trump at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport in Cleveland, Ohio on September 29, 2020.

US President Donald Trump strolls with first woman Melania Trump at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport in Cleveland, Ohio on September 29, 2020. 

Donald Trump and Melania Trump have tried positive for Covid. 

Buzz Staff 

US President Donald Trump testing positive for Covid has only one exercise for everybody - wear a MASK

On Friday, Trump took to Twitter to declare that he and spouse Melania had tried positive for Covid and that they were presently in isolate. This comes after perhaps the nearest helper, Hope Hicks, tried positive for Covid. Hicks was going with Trump on Air Force One simply this Tuesday to travel to Cleveland for the main presidential discussion with Democrat Joe Biden. 

Hicks was not wearing a cover while going to Ohio for the discussion. Here's a tweet by a NBC columnist demonstrating Hicks boarding Air Force One, without a face covering in sight. 

Not simply Hicks, Trump himself has had a somewhat stressed relationship with covers. In the underlying periods of the pandemic, when Covid cases in the United States were on a lofty upward bend, Trump was over and over spotted with no cover on. Truth be told, he has been known to ridicule the individuals who do wear veils - as though it was an indication of shortcoming. 

In May 2020, Trump derided a White House reporter for wearing a veil to a press instructions. Indeed, that truly occurred. 

During the public interview, Trump was taking inquiries from journalists when a Reuters reporter, Jeff Mason, gotten some information about previous Vice President Joe Biden's choice to wear a veil freely in an occasion a couple of days back. To Mason's inquiries, Trump requested that jokingly asked him eliminate his veil as the he was unable to hear the inquiries. Artisan countered that he would prefer to have it on. Now, Trump blamed Mason for being "PC", alluding to Biden wearing a veil. 

Truth be told, the first run through Trump was seen in veil out in the open was in July, when the pandemic was at its pinnacle and had tainted more than 3.2 million individuals in the United States. He wore a cover while visiting a military clinic in rural Washington. 

Nobody comprehends what precisely Trump's concern with face veils is. In the exact month, he had said that he wouldn't wear a veil, notwithstanding CDC admonitions, since it would send "an inappropriate message" and would make him look crazy and feeble. 

Truth be told, at the US Presidential Debate, Trump taunted Biden for wearing a veil. Perhaps Trump required an update that we're in a worldwide pandemic, a similar pandemic that has now influenced his family as well. 

Why Trump imagines that is something we neglect to comprehend, since the CDC (Center of Disease Control) has on numerous events suggested a veil in places where social removing is troublesome. Like discussions. Or on the other hand inside the Air Force One. 

Both the World Health Organization and the CDC have consistently cautioned individuals around the globe about the risks of venturing out without a veil. There is no antibody for Covid yet. There is additionally no mysterious medication which can fix Covid-19 or protect you from the infection. The main thing that can really shield you from getting tainted is washing your hands routinely, sterilizing your hands and wearing a veil. It's quite basic, truly.

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